Founded 1911

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The Latest News from the Locomotive & Carriage Institution

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Payment using Google Pay & Apple Pay

We are pleased to provide facilities to make payment to the Locomotive & Carriage Institution such as for membership renewals and for events using Google Pay and Apple Pay from 7th March 2023 in addition to debit cards already available.

Posted 28/02/23

John Barrett

It is with deepest sympathy to announce that, John Barrett, a long time member of the Locomotive & Carriage Institution since 1974, sadly passed away in the early hours of Monday 7th November 2022, aged 88.

Institution Lectures Early 2022

Due to the current ‘Plan B’ COVID-19 restrictions in England, the February 2022 Lecture will not go ahead.

However lectures will resume on 1st March 2022 with an update on Project Orion, by Karl Watts, CEO of the Rail Operations Group at our normal London venue of Palestra House.  See events for more details

Posted 08/01/22

Alan Hughes Funeral on 21st January 2022

It is with deepest sympathy to announce that Alan Hughes passed away on 26th December 2021.

Posted 08/01/22

Tentative return of Institution Lectures

For the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Locomotive & Carriage Instruction has successfully run two London lectures on London Underground Trains on 8th December 2021 and on the London Transport Museum on 4th January 2022.  

Posted 08/01/22

Alan Hughes

It is with much sadness to report  that our Assistant Secretary, Alan Hughes, passed away on 26th December 2021.  The Locomotive & Carriage Institution Committee offer their deepest condolences to his wife Jane, and the rest of Alan’s family.  

Posted 28/12/21

Vacancies for Institution Council

From the May 2022 we have vacancies on the Institution Council for the positions of Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Newsletter Editor.  If you would like to consider joining the Institution Council, please see: vacancies for further details

Posted 26/12/21

Issue with the website

Apologies if some of you have had issues loading the website over the last few days.  This was due to issues with the website’s secure encryption certificate (SSL) and it has now been resolved by our web hosting company, which fortunately work on Boxing Day.

Posted 26/12/21

Next Lecture on Tuesday 4th January 2022

It is hoped to have this lecture, on London Transport Museum - A Living Heritage at our normal venue of Palestra.  However due to the changing COVID-19 situation in England, this lecture may need to change to online at short notice.  Please revisit this website before travelling to London to confirm the arrangements for this lecture.

Posted 26/12/21

Return of Institution Lectures from December 8th 2021

Following on from the successful online Presidential Address on 2nd November, we are pleased to announce that London Lectures will resume on Wednesday 8th December with a talk on 50 years of London Underground Trains at the Duchess Bell  pub in Battersea, adjacent to the new Battersea Northern Line station, followed by a full programme of London lectures on the first Tuesday of the month between January and May 202,  at our normal venue at Palestra House.  

Please click events for further information.

Posted 03/11/21

AGM 2022

The Institution’s AGM will be held on Saturday 18th May at Sheffield Park on the Bluebell Railway.  As well as the AGM, the day will include a ride on the railway, a tour around the Atlantic House were a brand new Brighton Atlantic steam locomotive is being built and a buffet lunch.  This is a resurrection of the event originally planned for 2020, put postponed due to the Covid pandemic.

Please see AGM 2022 for further details

Posted 03/11/21

Rule Changes Following EGM 2021

A small change to the Institution Rules was agreed at the L&CI EGM on 18th September 2021 concerning membership fees if membership is terminated.  Please see Rules for the amended version.

Posted 03/11/21

Resumption of Events from 2021

The Institution Council are planning to resume Institution events, Covid-permitting, from the summer of 2021 including for the September 2021 to April 2022 lecture season, using a combination of online meetings and talks in our London venue at Palestra House.  

We are also hoping that circumstances will allow for a limited number of events this summer, including an Extraordinary General Meeting in Derby, including buffet lunch, talk by a prominent member of the Railway Industry and an optional preserved railway visit.

A trial use of GoTo meetings was used for a committee meeting in late March 2021 which went well.  We are hoping that in future winter lectures will be able to vary between being held at Palestra House and online.  The online meetings will hopefully enable those who can’t travel to London to attend Institution lectures at home.

Posted 31/03/21

Mark Hopwood CBE

Mark Hopwood, our Vice President and Managing Director of Great Western Railway has been  named a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the New Year’s Honours list. On behalf of the Locomotive & Carriage Institution the rest of the Institution Council would like to pass-on well-deserved congratulations to Mark   For further details, please see this First Group: press release.

Posted 31/12/20

No events until at least May 2021

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the UK and most of the rest of the World, we deeply regret that there will be on Institution events until at least May 2021.  Hopefully now that a vaccine is starting to be administered in the UK, the situation will substantially improve as we head towards the Summer during 2021.

In the meantime the Institution Council would like to wish you and your families all the best for the New Year when we can look forward to meeting again later in the year.

Posted 27/12/20

L&CI Visits Cancelled from April to September 2020

With deep regret ALL Locomotive & Carriage Institution events between now and September 2020, including the AGM, lectures and visits, have now been cancelled following H.M. Government advice that gatherings of people should be avoided to limit the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

On behalf of the Institution Council, we hope that you, as well as your family, friends and colleagues stay safe during this very difficult time and we look forward to you joining us again at Institution events in the future, once the risk has subsided.  Take care.

Posted 17/03/20

Swiss Visit June 2020

In light of the continuing, and seemingly ever increasing, travel restrictions being implemented throughout mainland European countries, a decision has been made to postpone our forthcoming educational trip to Switzerland in June.

Hopefully, announcing this now, will allow for members to make alternative arrangements, or to take up options to defer/alter their travel tickets/passes etc,.

We do intend to operate this trip at a future date, and will fully communicate our intentions when in a position to do so. However, this may not be a quick announcement.

Posted 15/03/20

AGM 2020

The 2020 AGM will be held on the Saturday 2nd May 2020 at Sheffield Park on the Bluebell Railway.  As well as the AGM, the day will include a ride on the railway, a tour around the Atlantic House were a brand new Brighton Atlantic steam locomotive is being built and a buffet lunch.

For the first time we are pleased to be now taking online bookings using a debit or credit card, avoiding the need to send a cheque in the post.  Further details click AGM 2020.

Posted 24/02/20

Change in London Lecture Venue

From the Tuesday 3rd December 2019, all Locomotive & Carriage Institution lectures will be at Palestra House, 197 Blackfriars Rd, Southwark, London SE1 8JZ,  rather than at 55 Broadway.  The Tuesday 5th November lecture will be the final lecture held at 55 Broadway.  Please see the: Palestra page on this website for details of how to get to Palestra House.

Posted 12/10/19

AGM 2019

A final reminder to book NOW if you wish to attend the AGM 2019 at the Mill Hey Brew House at Haworth on the Keithley and Worth Valley Railway.  Bookings for the ‘full package’ including the AGM, lunch, loco shed tour and travel on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway for the day close on 22nd April 2019.  This date also applies for AGM bookings including the railway, but without lunch.

Posted 10/04/19

Educational Free Pass

The Locomotive & Carriage Institution is one of only two Institutes where members with protected travel facilities from previous employment with British Rail can receive an educational free pass for free rail travel to eligible Institution events.  The process of obtaining a free pass is now easier - with an online application now possible, see free pass for further details.

Posted 10/04/19

L&CI Website Encrypted

This website has now been encrypted - you will see a ‘padlock’ logo in the top left of your website browser and the web address now starts https rather than http.  This added security protects both the website and the end users.

Posted 03/03/19

AGM 2019

The 2019 AGM will be held on the Saturday 11th May 2019 at Haworth on the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway.  As well as the AGM, the day will include a ride on the railway and a visit to the shed at Haworth.  There is an opportunity to visit the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway in Cumbria the day before.  Further details on the events page of this website.

Posted 11/11/18

Online Membership Application

You can now join the Locomotive & Carriage Institution online, without having to print out and post a form.  See apply for membership

Posted 25/09/18

Ian Allan Discount

We regret to inform you that Ian Allan Publishing has withdrawn the facility for L&CI Members to receive a 10% discount at its two remaining stores - London & Birmingham.  The information on the back of the current membership cards regarding this discount is no longer valid.   We sorry that this facility used by many members is no longer available. Posted 07/18

New Way to Inform Membership Secretary of Change of Details

We have had to change the form to inform the Membership Secretary of a change of  details as the previous form is no longer supported by the software company concerned.  A link is provided on the change of details  to a new form.  When submitted, the details are passed to the Membership Secretary, as before.  Posted 26/04/18.

Passing away of Richard Hardy

It is with much sadness to report on the recent passing away of longtime Honorary Member, Richard (Dick) Harding of Amersham.  Starting his railway career in the 1940s in Shenfield, Richard was later the District Motive Power Superintendent at Liverpool Street responsible for the introduction of diesels in East Anglia from 1959, with the correspondingly huge change in working practices.  His extensive and sometimes humorous account is on this site at Human Revolution.  An account of his railway career, delivered at a lecture in 1998 is also on this site at: Richard Hardy. Posted 02/03/18.

Railway Slides & Negatives Wanted

Farther and son and L&CI members, Ray and Martin Townsend are building a railway slide collection from fellow  enthusiasts and are keen to purchase any unwanted railway slide/negative collections.  If you have any slides or natives you would be willing to sell, please email Martin Townsend

Automatically Add Institution Events to Google Calendar

On the events page on this website, you can now click a Locomotive & Carriage Institution event date to automatically add the event to your Google account.  Especially useful for Android phone and tablet users.  Posted 14/02/18

AGM 2018

The 2018 Institution AGM is being held in the Steam Museum Swindon.  As well as the AGM, other attractions include a  buffet lunch and behind the scenes tour of the museum.  For further information and a booking form, please see AGM 2018.   Please note that bookings must be received by 1st May 2018.  Posted 01/18

Passing away of Dr Michael Duffy

It with much sadness to post that Dr Micheal Ciaran Duffy, previously of he University of Sunderland and the Newcomen Society died in September 2017.  Dr Duffy  organised the Evolution of Modern Traction Seminar for the Institution in 2005 as well delivering technical lectures for the Institution. We will be adding an obituary to Dr Duffy on this website and in the newsletter in the near future. Posted 01/18

Educational Free Pass

For those with safeguarded travel facilities, there have been changes to the application process and a revision to the form.  Please refer to Free Pass page on this website for more details, including a link to the new form.  Posted 03/17.

AGM 2017

Our AGM for 2017 will be held on Saturday 13th May at Kidderminster on the Seven Valley Railway.  A buffet lunch will be available after the AGM as well as chance to travel on the railway.  Further details will be available shortly.  Posted 02/17.

Institution Lectures - 55 Broadway, staying put!

We now understand that the redevelopment of 55 Broadway is not now going ahead and we will be able to remain at this fabulous Adams, Holden and Pearson  art-deco building for the foreseeable future.  Obviously if anything changes in the future, it will be displayed on this page as well as on the events page.  Posted 02/17.

UK and Overseas Visits for the Summer of 2016

We are pleased to announce our most  comprehensive programme for many years, including a return visit to a number of Iarnród Éireann sites in Ireland, a visit for the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland, a visit to Plasser works in West Ealling, a visit to Three Bridges signal box and Class 700 depot and a number of visits to preserved railway and other transport related sites.  Please click events for more information. Posted 02/16.

March and April Lectures 2016

Unfortunately the speakers for the previously advertised March and April 2016 lectures are now unable to attend.  Alternative lectures have been arranged The Epping & Ongar Railway in March and on the Old Dalby Test Track in April.  Please click events for further information.  Posted 02/16.

Institution Lectures - 55 Broadway, further update

It is now expected that we can continue at our current venue, 55 Broadway at St James Park, until the end of the 2016 at least,  before having to relocate to a new venue.  Please recheck this website before attending a lecture to be confirm that the venue has not changed. Posted 02/16.

AGM 2016

The AGM for 2016 is going to be held on the Great Central Railway  on  Saturday 21st May.  For further details and a booking form, please click  Events - AGM 2016 above.  Posted 01/16.

Brian Cheal

It is with deep regret that we announce the recent passing of Brian Cheal.   Brian joined the Institution in 1991 and was a regular attendee and participant for many years.  He served on the Institution Council until 2002, and was made an honorary member in 2007. Posted 01/16.

AGM 2015

There was a couple of small changes to the Institution Rules following the AGM held on Saturday 23rd May 2015.  Rule 8d added and changes to AGM heading rule 19, see Institution Rules for details.

2015 Social Day

The Institution Social day for 2015 will be held on Saturday 13th June on the Bluebell Railway in Sussex.  Click events for further details. Posted 10/03/15

Institution Lectures - 55 Broadway

It is now expected that we can continue at our current venue, 55 Broadway at St James Park, until the end of the 2015-2016 lecture season in April / May 2016 before having to relocate to a new venue.  Please recheck this website before attending a lecture to be confirm that the venue has not changed.  Posted 10/03/15.

Situations Vacant  - Institution Secretary

We are looking for a new Institution Secretary.  If any member wishes to put their name forward to take on this important, yet rewarding role, please contact the Chairman, Alan Spencer at: at your earliest convenience.  Posted 11/14.

2014 - 2015 Season - 55 Broadway

Locomotive & Carriage Institution lectures for the 2014-2015 season (until April 2015) have been booked at our ‘home’ for many years, 55 Broadway at St James’s Park.  

It is likely that lectures for the 2015 - 2016 season, starting in September 2015, will move to Palestra, which is opposite Southwark Underground station and within walking distance of Blackfriars, Waterloo and London Bridge stations.

Confirmation of the change in venue will be given in the Institution newsletter and on this website when confirmed.

New Institution President - John Doyle

We are delighted to announce that John Doyle, Jubilee Line General Manager, Transport for London has agreed to be our new President following the retirement of Nick Agnew from Transport for London.

Nick Agnew is now our second Honorary Vice President.    Posted 09/13


New honorary Vice President

We are delighted to welcome Mike Hopwood, Managing Director, First Great Western as our new honorary Vice President.

We would like to record are grateful thanks to our departing president, Willi Frauenfelds of the Bern Ltschberg & Simplon Railway AG for our being our honorary President for a number of years.

Locomotive Naming

GB Railfreight Locomotive 66 716 was named the Locomotive and Carriage Institution on Saturday 14th May 2011 at Wansford on the Nene Valley Railway to commemorate  the Institution's Centenary.

See: Centenary Naming for more details

Approaching 2011

In 2011 the Institution celebrates its Centenary, being founded in 1911 at Kings Cross as the Institute of Locomotive Inspectors and Foreman.

Special events and memorabilia are currently being planned for our Centenary.

Centenary pages on this website will provide further details shortly.

Members' News can be now be accessed from this page rather than from the front page.

February 2010

Our successful AGM was recently held at the Seaton Tramway in Devon on 23rd February.

At the AGM:

Spring and Sumner 2010 Programme:

Most of the events for Spring and Summer 2010 are now confirmed, see our Events Calendar for further details.

These include lectures by Mark Allatt, Chairman, A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, Peter Brown, Department for Transport and our own Alan Spencer.

We also have a number of visits arranged including walks and  talks to view railway history and days out for family and friends, including more ‘parent friendly' weekend visits following requests by members.

April 2009

2009 - 2010 Lecture Programme:

We are pleased to announce some prominent speakers for the 2009-2010 lecture programme including:

Adrian Shooter from Chiltern Railways who be delivering a lecture on Chiltern Railways;

Gordon Pettitt.  Former General Manager, British Rail Southern Region who be delivering a lecture Development of High Speed Railways in the World;

Mark Allatt, Chairman, A1 Steam Locomotive Trust  who be delivering a lecture The Tornado Story.

January 2009

AGM January 2009:

Our successful AGM was recently held at the Middleton Railway at Leeds on 6th January.

The AGM determined: